© 2016 Ermak Traffic Inc.

Factory: ASO 2. ve 3. Organize Sanayi

Bölgesi, Eskişehir Devlet Yolu 42.

km. Alcı OSB Mahallesi 2024 Cadde

No:10, 06930 Sincan / Ankara

Phn: +90 312 815 23 12 (pbx)       

Fax: +90 312815 23 13

Office: İlkbahar Mh. 596. Sk. 9/2

06550  Yıldız-Çankaya / ANKARA

Phn: +90 312 492 02 22 (pbx)    

Fax: +90 312 492 02 23

Professional Road and Traffic Safety

HR Postings

If you want to take part in any of our units operating within Ermak Traffic Inc., You can send your application to the Human Resources department with our form.

Our Strategy

Ermak Traffic is responsible for achieving quality and efficiency in all activities. With the awareness that the human factor is the most important resource, it approaches its employees and provides suitable working conditions for its employees. Ermak Traffic, to ensure job satisfaction and high motivation of its employees, aimed to gain knowledge and skills that will support their progress in their careers. Employees are guided according to their experience and abilities. Ermak Traffic provides equal opportunities to its employees, different information and skills are respected and these differences are supported by trainings. combined with targets. Ermak Traffic fulfills its responsibilities and expectations towards its employees. has determined.

Standard Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs Traffic Signs


Promotion Movie
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HR Postings

If you want to take part in any of our units operating within Ermak Traffic Inc., You can send your application to the Human Resources department with our form.

Our Strategy

Ermak Traffic is responsible for achieving quality and efficiency in all activities. With the awareness that the human factor is the most important resource, it approaches its employees and provides suitable working conditions for its employees. Ermak Traffic, to ensure job satisfaction and high motivation of its employees, aimed to gain knowledge and skills that will support their progress in their careers. Employees are guided according to their experience and abilities. Ermak Traffic provides equal opportunities to its employees, different information and skills are respected and these differences are supported by trainings. combined with targets. Ermak Traffic fulfills its responsibilities and expectations towards its employees. has determined.
Professional Road and Traffic Safety

© 2016 Ermak Traffic Inc.

Factory: ASO 2. ve 3. Organize Sanayi

Bölgesi, Eskişehir Devlet Yolu 42.

km. Alcı OSB Mahallesi 2024 Cadde

No:10, 06930 Sincan / Ankara

Phn: +90 312 815 23 12 (pbx)       

Fax: +90 312815 23 13

Office: İlkbahar Mh. 596. Sk. 9/2

06550  Yıldız-Çankaya / ANKARA

Phn: +90 312 492 02 22 (pbx)    

Fax: +90 312 492 02 23

Standard Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs Traffic Signs


Promotion Movie
Professional Road and Traffic Safety

Factory: ASO 2. ve 3. Organize Sanayi

Bölgesi, Eskişehir Devlet Yolu 42.

km. Alcı OSB Mahallesi 2024 Cadde

No:10, 06930 Sincan / Ankara

Phn: +90 312 815 23 12 (pbx)       

Fax: +90 312815 23 13

Office: İlkbahar Mh. 596. Sk. 9/2

06550  Yıldız-Çankaya / ANKARA

Phn: +90 312 492 02 22 (pbx)    

Fax: +90 312 492 02 23

© 2016 Ermak Traffic Inc.

HR Postings

If you want to take part in any of our units operating within Ermak Traffic Inc., You can send your application to the Human Resources with our form.

Our Strategy

Ermak Traffic is responsible for achieving quality and efficiency in all activities. With the awareness that the human factor is the most important resource, it approaches its employees and provides suitable working conditions for its employees. Ermak Traffic, to ensure job satisfaction and high motivation of its employees, aimed to gain knowledge and skills that will support their progress in their careers. Employees are guided according to their experience and abilities. Ermak Traffic provides equal opportunities to its employees, different information  andskills are respected and these differences are supported by trainings. combined with targets. Ermak Traffic fulfills its responsibilities and expectations towards its employees. has determined.